Q. What is Google Blogger ? Ans : Blogger is provided by Google which allows users to create a blog for free. it can found on the web at : www.blogger.com
What is Google Blogger?
You are enable to use blogger for everything from updating your friends
and family about you and your life by giving your own advice on any
topic you choose or you know. discussing your own view on a topic of
interest. You can host your blog with multiple contributors or you can
use on you own solo show.
Creating an account on Blogger
Setting up account on blogger is just few minutes of work as it takes 3
easy steps. Creating an account by filling up required information such
as name, email etc., naming your blog, and choose template. After you
done with these 3 steps you will be enable to create multiple blogs
within that same account name. so, this setting up an account you need
to do that part once.
Hosting your blog
Blogger will host your blog for free of cost. This is why there are
millions of bloggers are using blogger.com but the describing advantages
as just a free hosting isn't enough as there are a lot of advantages to
use blogger for blogging.
Start writing posts
Start writing posts
Once you are done with setting up your blog with blogger.com, Blogger has a basic WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)
editor. This what bloggers like most. As there are many other blogging
tools websites available in the web but they do not have robust html
editors, and the ones that do often require java or other plug-ins. If
you require more formatting options and a large window then you can use
Google Docs in order to post to your blogger blog. Even You could also
do advanced editing with HTML as it has an HTML tab that enables you to
do it directly.
E-mail your posts
E-mail your posts
You are enable optionally configure blogger with a secret email address,
so that you can post to your blog through email. This is an another
feature of blogger for making updates on the fly or updating from your
cell phone or other mobile device.
Add Pictures & Videos
Add Pictures & Videos
Using blogger you are also enable to upload picture from your PC (Computer)
and place it to your blog. You can choose the layout and size of the
picture even there are numbers of options to do with your uploaded
picture such as you can add caption to your picture, add title, add
alter tags which can be useful in optimizing your blogger images for
search engine. When you upload your pictures from your blogger post
editor it will be uploaded and saved to the blogger's server space so
that you do not need to use any third party websites to make it done.
But that doesn't means that you cannot post the images you uploaded on
other server, You can post any image from the web or from other server
by help of HTML image tags. Also you can add videos on your blog posts (
Google Videos and YouTube video similarly be directly linked into your blog posts. ).